Nancy Aitcheson, MD

Dr. Nancy Aitcheson is a second-year Infectious Disease Fellow at HUP. She grew up in Atlanta, and then attended Dartmouth College, where she studied English and Environmental Studies. After four years teaching high school English in Istanbul, she moved back to the US to pursue a career in internal medicine. She completed her post-bac studies at Bryn Mawr, then attended medical school and residency at the University of Pennsylvania. During her time at Penn, she has completed tracks in medical education, global health, and primary care. She has worked abroad at clinics in Cameroon, Tanzania, and Botswana—in addition to serving at Philadelphia-based clinics focused on Refugee care and Suboxone administration. Nancy’s research is focused on linking socially vulnerable populations to preventative and therapeutic care for infectious diseases. Specifically, she plans to investigate novel models for preventing HIV in people who use injection drugs. Nancy lives in Center City with her partner Patrick and her one-year-old son, Milo.