Meghan Galligan, MD

Dr. Meghan Galligan is a fellow in Pediatric Hospital Medicine at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) with a focus in quality improvement, patient safety and medical operations. Originally from New York, Dr. Galligan graduated from Harvard College with a degree in Neurobiology with an honors certificate in Mind, Brain, and Behavior. She completed her medical education at the Stanford University School of Medicine, where she was awarded an NIH T32 training grant for her original research in child psychiatry. She subsequently matriculated to CHOP to complete residency training in general pediatrics, during which time she worked on various projects related to multidisciplinary team communication. As a resident, she also helped establish the Residency Program Wellness Committee. Now in fellowship at CHOP, Dr. Galligan is engaged in work related to her interests in care delivery systems for children with medical complexity; as well as safety and wellbeing for patients and hospital staff.