Aaron Tannenbaum, MD, MSHP
Aaron M. Tannenbaum, MD is a fellow in the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He received his undergraduate degree in Cellular Neuroscience from Colgate University and his medical degree from Temple University. He completed his residency and served as chief resident in Internal Medicine at the University of Chicago where he was also a fellow at the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics. Dr. Tannenbaum’s research focuses on shared decision-making and the impact of choice frames on communication between physicians, patients, and surrogate decision makers during critical illness as well as the contributors to and predictors of conflict between and among clinicians and surrogates in the intensive care unit (ICU). The goal of his research is to enhance the shared decision-making process so as to promote the provision of personalized, beneficial care—care that is both medically feasible and value-concordant—for critically ill patients to mitigate burnout among clinicians, improve emotional outcomes for surrogates, optimize ICU resource utilization, and limit burdensome and potentially unwanted care for patients.