Summer Fellowships

The below fellowship opportunities are only available to Medical Students at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine.


Three individuals smiling and looking at the camera outside a large building.

Medical Student Health Services and Policy Research Summer Fellowship

The Penn Masters of Science in Health Policy Research in collaboration with the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics supports summer research fellowships for medical students interested in working on a health services or health policy research project during the summer between their first and second years of medical school. The primary intent of the fellowship is to support medical students to work on campus under the sponsorship of a Penn faculty mentor with expertise in health services and policy research.


This program is available for up to three University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine students per year.

The official deadline for applications is February 24, 2025 at 5PM .


To apply, you must submit a 2-3 page research proposal, along with your Curriculum Vitae, the Curriculum Vitae of the proposed Penn faculty mentor, and a letter of support from the proposed Penn faculty mentor.  The research proposal should include:

  • A brief description of the health services or policy problem to be investigated and the specific aims for the project.
  • A basic description of the study design and methods, including sources of data and plans for analysis.
  • A discussion of the role of the student in the project.

The letter from the proposed Penn faculty mentor should indicate a commitment to supervise the student during the summer fellowship and a brief discussion of what resources are available to support the research activities over the summer.


One to three fellowships will be awarded annually in the form of a $1,750 monthly stipend for up to two months.

Exclusive Commitment Required

** Please note that acceptance of the Medical Student Health Services and Policy Research Summer Fellowship requires that the student decline any/all other fellowships, internships, or similar competing commitments occurring during the same 8-week summer time period. **