Kirstin Manges, PhD, MSHP

Kirstin Manges earned her PhD in Nursing at the University of Iowa. A northern Michigan native, she earned her Bachelor of Arts majoring in Nursing and Biology from Luther College, and Masters in Nursing from the University of Iowa. During her doctoral program, Ms. Manges worked as a bedside nurse in a variety of clinical settings (pediatric, adult, acute and critical care), and received a Daisy Award for Extraordinary Nurses. She is a National Veterans Affairs Quality Scholar Program Alumni (2014-2016), and a current American Academy of Nursing Jonas Policy Scholar (2017-2019). Ms. Manges’ scholarship is in health systems research specializing in organizational psychology, care transitions, and patient safety. Her dissertation is examining the impact of inpatient teams on high-risk patient’s post-hospital outcomes. The Midwestern Nursing Research Society Buckwalter Grant and the Versant Center for the Advancement of Nursing Research Doctoral Grant funds her dissertation work.